The boat calls at the main port to load its regular cargo of bananas. 船停靠这个主要港口以装载其常规货物——香蕉。
Car imports through Nigeria's main port have risen to about 300 cars a day. 经由尼日利亚主要港口进口的汽车数量已经上升到一天300辆左右。
The reactors covered by the deal would be technologically advanced and built outside the main port city of Karachi. 交易涉及的两个核反应堆在技术上可能相当先进,可能建在主要港口卡拉奇外。
Umm Qasr, close to the second city of Basra, is Iraq's main port for cargo and its capture would give the British-led brigade control of virtually all access to Iraq by sea. UmmQasr靠近伊拉克第二大城市Basra,是伊拉克主要的运输港口,占领这个港口意味着英国领导的部队就能从海上各个方向进入伊拉克。
Brazilian soy exporters are concerned that a ban on genetically modified organisms at the main grains port of Paranagua and a record soy crop will lead to a logistics nightmare in coming months. 巴西大豆出口商担心,在主要粮食港口巴拉那实施转基因生物禁令的情况下,创纪录的大豆收成将使港口的后勤服务在未来几个月陷入极度因境。
Statistics compiled by Hong Kong's Port Development Council show a steady rise in throughput at the territory's main container port, starting in late summer and peaking in October. 香港港口发展局(PortDevelopmentCouncil)的统计数据显示,香港主要集装箱港口的吞吐量稳步上升,从夏末开始,在10月份达到顶峰。
Ships from all points of the compass would drop anchor here at the main port of London. 从四面八方而来的船只,都将停泊在这个伦敦的重要港口。
China/ HongKong/ Worldwide, every main port/ city transport of sea. air and road cargo's arrangement. 中国/港/界各地,各主要港口/市船运、运、运之订舱,报关、输之安排。
Mocha was also the main port for the one sea route to Mecca, and was the busiest place in the world at the time. 摩卡在当时也是前往圣地麦加的海上航线上的主要港口之一,也是当时世界是最繁忙的港口。
The paper analyzes the competitive situation of ports around Bohai Bay and the advantages of developing port coal logistics and puts forward the competitive tactics for each main port. 通过对环渤海湾港口群竞争态势及港口煤炭物流发展优劣势分析,提出了各主要港口的竞争策略。
Right below the main port. 就在主排气口的下方。
This starts from Puerto Rico's main port at San Juan and goes to the Lesser Antilles and the Netherlands Antilles and Curacao finally ending up towards the west in the island of Aruba. 这从波多黎各的圣胡安的主要港口启动,并去小安的列斯和荷属安的列斯的库拉索终于结束对在阿鲁巴岛以西的。
The capital and largest city of Norway; the country's main port is located at the head of fjord on Norway's southern coast. 挪威首都和最大城市;挪威的主要港口,位于挪威南海岸的海湾的上游。
As a main port in North China, Dalian port becomes to play a more and more important role in national economy and social development. 作为我国主枢纽港之一和北方重要港口的大连港,在加快国民经济和社会发展中发挥了日益明显。
Study on Throughput Prediction Model of Main Port in the Bohai Bay Port Cluster 环渤海主要港口吞吐量预测模型研究
The main port and other regional ports constructed an organic and systematic network. Researches in the Dian-Kong Trade in Modern Times 不同时期的主要贸易港和区域性港口形成分工协作、层次分明的港口体系。近代滇港贸易问题研究
Condition and application of main port selection for engineering design water level in the marine engineering 海洋工程中工程设计水位主港选择的条件及应用
The port of Mawei, the main port of Fuzhou, is located in the alluvial delta of the Fuzhou Basin. 处在四周由中低山环抱的福州盆地内的马尾港。
Tianjin is the economic center and main port in north China where products and raw ores of the minerals are concentrated in and diffused from. 天津是北方经济中心城市和重要港口,也是沉积高岭石矿与铝土矿的主要集散地。
The end of this paper studies the port location, natural environment, hinterland development, international relations, and analyzes the factors that made possible the shift of the main port. 文章最后从港口区位条件、自然环境、腹地经济开发程度、对外联系等方面分析了推动长江三角洲主要港口转移和港口体系变迁的重要因素。
Analysis and Evaluation of Main Port Logistics in China 我国主要港口物流竞争分析与评价
As a freight forwarding industry development of small companies, the main port economic and survival on nanchang, in the face of such advantageous development opportunity, how in competitive environment out of their fast growth path, become a problem to be solved. 作为一个货运代理行业发展的小公司,主要依托南昌港口经济而生存,在面临机遇和挑战并存的时候,如何在充满竞争的环境中走出自己快速成长的道路,成为亟待解决的问题。
The port is also becoming an important driving force in the world economic growth at the same time, the main port city and regional units of energy consumption and pollution source. 港口在成为世界经济增长的重要推动力的同时,也正在成为港口所在城市及地区的主要的能耗单位和污染源头。
Jinzhou Port has many of the company opened container liner routes, constitute the two T-type container transportation network through the main port in the north and south along the coast, full radiation of the Pearl River and Yangtze River. 锦州港拥有许多家船公司开设的多条集装箱班轮航线,已经构成了贯通南北沿海主要港口、全面辐射珠江水系和长江水系的两个T型集装箱运输网络。
Since Dalian is one of the most important opening windows in northeastern China and is one of the main port cities to conduct maritime trade in the entire northeast Asia region, we should pay close attention to its generation and evolution. 大连港是我国东北部地区对外开放的最主要窗口,也是整个东北地区进行海上贸易最主要的口岸之一,其港口代际的演化与发展对振兴东北经济具有重要意义。
Shanghai becomes the main port southern Jiangsu silk exports after it establish treaty port in the middle and late Qing dynasty. 清中后期上海设立通商口岸,随后成为苏南蚕丝出口的主要口岸。
The port circulating machinery tends to develop towards large-scale, high-speed, automation evidently, which is one of the main port handling equipment. 而作为港口企业主要作业设备的一种&港口流动设备,其大型化、高速化、自动化已是大势所趋。
The f fourth-generation of the main port container, its development strategy is international port and waterway is alliance and its production characteristics is alliance, integrated logistics, port logistics system in the position of further strengthening. 第四代港口主要处理的是集装箱,其发展策略是港航联盟和港际联盟,其生产特性是整合性物流,港口在整个物流体系中的地位进一步加强。
As the main port in China, Zhuhai port is the important export in west bank of PRD. 珠海港是我国沿海主要港口之一,是珠江三角洲西部地区主要的出海口岸。